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Hello,I am using STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 to generate code for STM32F746 device. I am using DAC peripherals in non-interrupt mode + the TIM6 in the interrupt mode. When the source code is generated, the TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler contains a call to HAL_DAC_IRQHa...
Hello,what is the value of USART->DR (RDR) is read twice after receiving a byte? E.g.Byte 0xFF received, RXNE flag set.DR is read into variable, RXNE is cleared, the variable contains 0xFFDR is read into variable, the variable contains ?Does the DR h...
Hello,I am trying to configure TIM9 input capture to detect high-low transition on a signal connected to TIM9_CH1 pin. There is a requirement to filter out short negative pulses < 480 ns. The timer is running at 100 MHz.The configuration is straighfo...
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