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Hi I am using STM32CUBEIDE I can read and write to BKPRAM this all works STM32F407.I have Modified Linker Script to include a BKRAM area 4k, however I have a situation I cannot understand whereby my Build output file .bin changes size dramatically wh...
Posted on September 13, 2016 at 14:00Hi I have an issue similar to one raised earlier in the forum but there didnt appear to be a resolution.When I create my own web pages and use the output.cgi as per examples I have found, when I submit the data f...
Posted on September 02, 2016 at 17:02Hello I am using a Nucleo F103 RB with XNUCLEO-IDW01M1 board to develop the code.I have been successfully using the Update over the air feature for some time.I now have an image file that has grown because of the...