User Activity

What are the power levels for the different settings when calling aci_hal_set_tx_power_level()? All I can find for sure is a max power level of +8 dBm in the datasheet. Other tables I find in the BlueNRG-1_2 DK documentation give conflicting answer...
I have a device sending notifications to a BlueNRG-2 Eval board (STEVAL-IDB008V2) configured as central/master. I modified the script file to work with my device. Everything works until I receive a notif...
Is there more documentation somewhere for the BlueNRG GUI Script Utility commands? There is just a table in document UM2058 with very little detail. One has to guess and use the error messages from Python to try to figure out the command parameters...
I'm using a BlueNRG-2 Evaluation Board in network coprocessor mode with the GUI. Firmware is DTM v3.1. When trying to set up a secure paired connection, I sometimes get an event ACI_GAP_PAIRING_COMPLETE_EVENT with a Status code of 0x03. Status codes ...
I want to rebuild the DTM application to run with a 16 MHz crystal. The DTM project used to be included in the 3.0 DK but it is not in the 3.1 DK. How do I get the project code?