2019-04-21 4:22 PM
I want to rebuild the DTM application to run with a 16 MHz crystal. The DTM project used to be included in the 3.0 DK but it is not in the 3.1 DK. How do I get the project code?
2019-04-21 7:11 PM
Hi rdscliff,
It will be under C:\Users\<ID>\ST\BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0\Project
to avoid the issue of Windows Account control that normal users cannot access system folders like "Program Files".
This has been described in the Release notes:
Best Regards,
2019-04-21 8:54 PM
Thank you. I missed the line in the release notes. I found the files after searching my entire hard drive for the .c files. The <ID> turned out to be the administrator account.