2011-03-25 8:17 PM
Just received my STM8L-Discovery, installed STVD 4.2.1 and Raisonance compiler. Whenever I hit F7, STVD shows this non-descriptive message ''The parameter is incorrect''. After that, the only way to exit the application is to kill it in the Task Manager. I tried it on Win XP and Win 7 (32-bit) with same results.
Does anyone experienced a similar problem? Thanks for help!2011-04-23 3:39 PM
I am also seeing this problem. STVD 4.2.1 patch 1 running on Vista 32-bit.
I have installed both Cosmic 32K and Raisonance compilers and I get the error with both. I am using the example workspaces from the Discover project.
Other posts suggest that the problem is not exhibited in 4.2.0; can someone at ST post a link to that install so I can at least get started while this issue is resolved?
2011-04-26 4:33 PM
I'm having the same problem. I also get the same message when trying to expand ''External Dependencies'' in the ''Workspace'' panel to the left, though it does not prevent me from exiting STVD normally.
I'd really appreciate a link to STVD 4.2.0 so I can continue with this processor.2011-04-28 7:17 AM
The problem has been reproduced, before a new release a partial workaround is possible:
• Once the set of source files is ready for compilation (Build/rebuild), manually create a directory “Debug� or “Release� (depending on your configuration) in your project directory • In that directory “Debug� or “Release� manually create an empty object file for each C source file, with the same name and the suffix�.o�: main.c -> main.o…. To do so, for example, use the contextual menu (right-click) when your mouse is over your desktop and select “New -> Text Document�. Then rename that file. • Manually create an empty executable file, named “your project name�.elf • Then use the command Build to generate real object and executable files. Do not use Rebuild as this command will first delete the .o and .elf files. This workaround valid for C source files. For Assembler, in the same way, manually createmain.obj, mapping.obj, ''your project name''.s19 .
For sumary, it's important to have in the project all the '.o' files before to build the project. Sorry for these problems. Best regards PhilFrom: soltan.anatoli
Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2011 4:17 AMSubject: STVD displays ''The parameter is incorrect''Just received my STM8L-Discovery, installed STVD 4.2.1 and Raisonance compiler. Whenever I hit F7, STVD shows this non-descriptive message ''The parameter is incorrect''. After that, the only way to exit the application is to kill it in the Task Manager. I tried it on Win XP and Win 7 (32-bit) with same results.
Does anyone experienced a similar problem? Thanks for help!2011-04-28 8:17 PM
I can confirm I have achieved a successful build using the steps outlined by Phil, with some additions.
There are a number of comments I would make
2011-04-29 6:18 PM
I am now building and debugging successfully but I went to create a makefile for the project (Project->Export Makefile) and I get the same error. Is there a workaround for this as well?
2011-05-02 7:06 AM
Why ''ST...'' does not make the previous version avaliable so you can backflip to STVD 4.2.0 instead of asking users for quadruple fulltwist around the aplication issue (bug)?
Regards2011-05-04 12:16 PM
Hello Phil,
Had same problem here, but even following your steps I couldn't compile the project and have the same ''The parameter is incorrect'' message. I'm using STDV 4.2.1, Cosmic for 32k.
I'm trying to compile the Discover Code from ST.
My procedures for this code are described as follow:
On Discover project we have two source files, Main.c and stm8_interrupt_vector.c:
Main.c Includes:
#include ''stm8s.h''
#include ''stm8_tsl_rc_api.h''
stm8_interrupt_vector.c Includes:
#include ''STM8_TSL_RC_API.h''
#include ''STM8_TSL_RC_TimerDriver.h''
So I create six empty object files in directory Debug as Phil solution mentioned:
main.o, stm8_interrupt_vector.o, STM8_TSL_RC_Configuration.o, stm8s_conf.o, stm8_tsl_rc_api.o, stm8s.o
and the discover.lkf file.
I observed that after the error, another discover.lkf is created in the same folder, but this is really the .exe extension, the discover.lkf created manually remains without modifications.
Am I forgeting some procedure?
Before try to compile, I select the correct path for the Cosmic compiler in:
Project -> Settings -> General -> RootPath -> C:\Program Files\COSMIC\CXSTM8_32K considering that the 16k is the default selection.
2011-05-04 12:30 PM
Hi Fabio,
See my comments above. In your file list you are missing a discover.elf file; also I suspect you are missing a few more library modules. Once you have all the object files set up you need to compile each module before attempting to build. ******** ST - TAKE NOTE ******** Despite now being able to build I have found the workaround to be completely unworkable in practice and have posponed the project I was planning for this board until a updated release of STVD is available. **************************************2011-05-04 1:05 PM
Hello Smith, thanks for reply.
Yeah I could find two other libs being used in this code searching at .h include files as #IFDEF parameters:
#include ''stm8s_clk.h''
#include ''stm8s_gpio.h''
But even putting these empty object files I didn't have sucess with code compilation. Do you have any idea of what files is missing?
The following files is present on debug folder:
Could be the extension .txt the problem? I generate this list by a command dir >c:/capture.txt on prompt command from windows. So these files doesn't have a .obj extension, but a .txt. How can I create an exe file?
I'm thinking to stop using that too, but I have to finish the graduation project quickly. I'm familiarized with ST ARM7. But it's too much powefull for my application.
2011-05-06 2:51 AM
The problem is now clearly identified, and a patch for fix it coming within the next few weeks. This issue is dependent from the PC time zone: it occurs when you are in GMT-x. A new workaround easier that previous is possible in changing the time zone to GMT or GMT+x. Rgds Phil