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STM8S103 Code Upload / Execution Issue


Issue with STM8S103 Code Uploading on Identical PCB Boards

I have two identical PCB boards, both equipped with the STM8S103 microcontroller. One board functions perfectly, with code uploading and running as expected, while the other does not.


  1. Voltage Measurements

    • On the non-working board:
      • NRST pin: 1.6V
      • SWIM pin: 3.2V
    • On the working board:
      • NRST pin: 3.2V
      • SWIM pin: Floating around 200mV
  2. Microcontroller Replacement

    • Suspecting a defective STM8S103 on the non-working board, I desoldered it and placed it on a functioning development board (See the attachement).
    • To my surprise, the board started working perfectly—code uploaded and executed without issues.
    • I measured the voltage on the NRST and the SWIM pins. which were same as in the working board mentioned above.
    • This indicates that the microcontroller on the non-working board is not faulty.


  • Development Tools:
    • SDUINO
    • Arduino IDE
    • ST LINK V2

I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions to identify the root cause of this issue 

Thank you!

ST Employee

Welcome @SuwinManudewa, to the community!

As you have already described, there was either a problem with the board where you soldered down the apparently faulty STM8S, or the programming went wrong beforehand. I suspect the former, as I've seen quite a few boards with invisible shorts and other issues.

In this context: is your ST-LINK/V2 one of those fakes in a colourful tin can?


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is there perticular reason the STM8S103's NRST pin goes to 1.6V and the SWIM pin to 3.2V???

ST Employee

I am not aware of any reason for this.

Will you also answer my question?

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Badly soldered, improper orientation. If the parts Ok on a simpler board, review your PCB, check nets and components placed.

Two drivers attempting to drive in different states? Anything programmed on to the IC?

Is this a DC voltage, or oscillating level?

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