2020-05-28 02:38 PM
Is it possible to restore STM8S001 for programming after set it to HALT mode?
I try to use halt mode for STM8S001 and STM8S003.
The programmer worked, when I used
but stopped after replacing this procedure to
After set STM8S001 to halt mode I can't reprogram this MCU,
IAR EWB for STM8 shows the error:
'Failed to set configuration with MCU name STM8S001J3: SWIM PROG error [4]: Memory write error'
Now I try to test halt mode for STM8S003, but I added a cycle about 6-7s for SWIM PROG may start to work. As I see, SWIM PROG really works, when I start it during 6s after Power On, but doesn't start to work after this time.
Here is a program, which I loaded to STM8S001:
#include <intrinsics.h>
#include <iostm8s001j3.h>
#pragma vector = EXTI3_vector
__interrupt void PD_IRQhndl(void)
PB_ODR_ODR4 = !PB_ODR_ODR4; // Toggle Port D, pin 3, STM8S001/cont.6
void main()
PB_ODR_ODR4 = 0;
PB_DDR_DDR4 = 1;
PB_CR1_C14 = 1;
PB_CR2_C24 = 1;
for(unsigned long i=0;i<400000;i++){};
//I placed this cycle to provide about 6s for SWIM PROG for STM8S003
//There was not this cycle for STM8S001
PB_ODR_ODR4 =1; //<LED & R=1k> may be connected between PB4 & +3V3 to indicate the end of 6s cycle
PD_ODR_ODR6 = 1;
PD_DDR_DDR6 = 0;
PD_CR1_C16 = 1;
PD_CR2_C26 = 1;
while (1)
2020-05-29 10:53 AM
I've restored the programmability of STM8S001J3, which have been going to HALT mode practically after Power On.