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Forum Posts


HelloI'm using STM8S001j in my projectthe Project is simply an output on PB4 and output on PD6I needed to store in the EEPROM data every time the input is getting low I noticed that some times the data is recorded and some times not I monitored the E...

AAraf.1 by Associate
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Reliability of STM8S internal MVR...

Because I don't find related information elsewhere (datasheet, application notes, etc.) I would ask it there.​So, I have famous W1209 thermostat board with Nuvoton MCU, which I'm replace by an STM8S103F3.For proper operation it is needed to place an ...

VPant.1 by Associate
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CRC for CAN frame in STM8AF5286

I am using STM8AF5286 for one of my design. I am using CAN port for data transmission. I am using standard ST library for CAN communication. I don't see any 16-bit CRC calculation included in CAN_Transmit function of CAN driver function. Neither I se...

PPate.1 by Associate II
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STM8S UART TX Interrupt Problem

Hello to everyone, I am dealing with STM8S103F3P6 IC. I try to send a message using TX interrupt but I have never succeeded. I have checked the example of the UART interrupt. Also, tried to develop same code. However, I got still zero. I took interru...

How do I install the firmware library?

I am (obviously) brand new to stm tools. I have installed the stvd and cosmic compiler and I want to use the firmware library. I have downloaded the STMS version. How do I install and use it? I've googled til my fingers are sore.

mchahn by Senior
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STM8L051 125khz PWM not work

I have new application used stm8l051, The MCU using timer2(GPIOB2) to generator 125khz PWM, duty cycle from 0% to 100% every 500ms with 16Mhz clock source.void Timer2_PWM_Init(void){ GPIO_Init(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_2, GPIO_Mode_Out_PP_High_Fast);  CLK_Peri...

KCheu.1 by Associate
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