2017-07-31 11:33 AM
Posted on July 31, 2017 at 20:33
[STM8S001J3] First STM8 MCU in 8-pin package: introduction
Dear STM8 Community,
This is a very exciting moment for all of us. STM8 MCUs family was extended with a new device, which is named STM8S001J3. This new family member reshapes STM8 portoflio and takes it to the new level by introducing new, tiny, small form factor package - SO8N.
STM8S001J3 belongs to STM8S Value Line series. All STM8S Value line microcontrollers are fully compatible with the existing STM8S product portfolio, sharing the same IPs, key parameter performance and development tools.
has small package and little number of pins, but still it embeds rich set of peripherals. Below some of key features of this device:
All these peripherals can be used on 5 I/Os thanks to smart multiplexing system.
You can immediately start your design based on STM8S001J3 with free of charge development tools:
http://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stsw-stm8069.html and http://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stvd-stm8.html.
More information you can find on
2017-08-27 10:48 AM
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for the information that you received the package. I am glad to hear that you managed to run your application on STM8S001J3.
Indeed SWIM pin (for debugging and programming) is shared with GPIO/peripherals and this is very important to manage this carefully. Once SWIM pin functionality is changed by the application, it is no longer possible to keep the debug session or to program the MCU. This is why we recommend to add few seconds of delay just after the start of application, before configuration of pins is done (so we have a short time slot when debug probe can connect with MCU). Your idea to have a UART command, which configures pin back to SWIM mode is also very good! Thanks for sharing this idea.
2017-09-07 9:50 AM
Is it possible to buy it in Russia? I can't find it anywhere.
Best regards, Alexey.
2017-09-07 10:14 AM
Hello Alexey,
I believe that you should be able to place an order in
2017-09-11 11:17 PM
A serial console through PD5 using the the UART1 Half-Duplex feature works nicely. Since the UART switches the pin back to input mode automatically this also solves the PD1/SWIM access requirement. Code using this feature is in the
(which also adds generic STM8S001J3M3 support).2017-09-16 11:38 PM
[STM8S001J3] First STM8 MCU in 8-pin package: introduction
The STM8 Forth for the STM8S001J3M3 was released yesterday, along with e4thcom support. A binary is available on the
. As long as you don't write your own Forth start-up code you won't lose access to PD1/SWIM while testing the chip.The Forth console uses UART1 in half-duplex mode, and you'll need a
connected to pin8. The console works best withhttps://wiki.forth-ev.de/doku.php/en:projects:e4thcom
as the terminal program.TheSTM8S001J3M3 binary also works on other low-density devices, e.g. STM8S003F3 or STM8S103F3.
2017-11-02 12:11 PM
Hi Szymon,
I am using the 128kHz internal clock. Is it possible to use the ADC with my clock setting ?
2017-11-04 10:46 AM
Hello Rebeca,
I confirm that ADC will work with internal 128kHz RC clock source. First I checked the documentation and I didn't find any limitation. Second I developed an example application with a minimum code based on Standard Peripheral Library. I tested it and it works fine. Please find below the content of main.c file.
&sharpinclude 'stm8s.h' uint16_t ADC_value = 0; main() { CLK_LSICmd(ENABLE); CLK_ClockSwitchCmd(ENABLE); CLK_ClockSwitchConfig(CLK_SWITCHMODE_AUTO, CLK_SOURCE_LSI, DISABLE, CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_DISABLE); ADC1_Init(ADC1_CONVERSIONMODE_SINGLE, ADC1_CHANNEL_6, ADC1_PRESSEL_FCPU_D2, ADC1_EXTTRIG_GPIO, DISABLE, ADC1_ALIGN_RIGHT, ADC1_SCHMITTTRIG_CHANNEL0, DISABLE); ADC1_Cmd(ENABLE); while (1) { ADC1_StartConversion(); while(ADC1_GetFlagStatus(ADC1_FLAG_EOC) == RESET) { } ADC_value = ADC1_GetConversionValue(); ADC1_ClearFlag(ADC1_FLAG_EOC); } }�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?
Szymon2018-02-27 12:56 PM
Interesting part and I have applications for it. However I am not allowed to touch it as lead times are horrendous at this moment (30 weeks at Digikey)
2018-02-28 2:04 PM
A more pin efficient stm8s003f is probably more useful. Or a sot-variant for applications with limited real estate.
2018-03-02 2:57 AM
When the part was introduced over half a year ago, ST was surprised by the high demand. But I would have expected them to be able to solve the issue by now. Still, ST doesn't have samples, both Digikey and Mouser have 30 weeks lead time and Mouser states 'Manufacturing delays have been reported on this product.'