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STM32U5 Nucleo where to find demo source code

Associate II

Hi community people,


As an introduction, please note I'm completely new to the STM32 world, and back in embedded world after a long break in the application level. I now jump in a new project that will be based on a STM32U5, and I start digging in documentation, code examples and ST ecosystem (MX, IDE etc.).

I tried to find answer to my question, but failed. Either I did not look correctly, and I apologise in that case, or the answer does not exist.

Here it is : the Nucleo-U575IZ-Q comes loaded with a demo software : LEDs (led1, led2, led3) blink change, and the speed changes according to the number of press on the user button. Appnote UM2861 says the source code can be downloaded from but I failed to find it. I have MCU package installed, and I do not find it in the source tree also.


If you can point me to the source code of that exemple (and a IAR project is a cherry on the cake), I'll be very happy


Thanks in advance



They used to have a Demo directory, Not seeing on the current GitHub, but this might be a close substitute

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This make sense, I will give it a try. Thank you

Associate II

Hi @Tesla DeLorean on both github and locally on my laptop (I downloaded and installed the latest MCU package that I assume is somehow cloning the GH repo), this sample is not matching the pre installed demo app in the Nucleo board.

Not a big deal anyway, there is plenty of examples to look at, but the one on the board.

Billy OWEN
ST Employee

Hi @PatriceL 


This post has been escalated to the ST Online Support Team for additional assistance.  We'll contact you directly.




Associate II

Hi @Billy OWEN I did not expect my first post here was going to escalate this quick 😉 . Thank you anyway to consider this.