2023-10-23 12:48 PM
Hi. I'm writing assembler code for the STM8S001j3. The data sheet recommends setting ports E5 & F4 to lo for power useage & EMC reasons. However the .asm & .inc files called up do not define ports E or F. The same goes for the peripheral enable registers PCKENR1 & PCKENR2. This is using STVD 4.3.12.
What am I missing ? (apart from not using C).
2023-10-23 1:00 PM
Find a part appropriate INC file, or add the EQU in the form expect?
2023-10-24 3:34 AM
Thanks. I had assumed the files in the latest STVD would include the full data on their devices but apparently not. I've now edited a set of .asm & .inc files to cover those ports. The peripheral enable registers were in fact there but somewhere in the documentation I saw it refered to them as PCKENR and not CLK_PCKENR.
2023-10-24 10:18 AM
Unfortunately, as I've previously noted, the STM8 is pretty much a dead-end / abandoned architecture. Most engineering resources being focused on the ARM lines, where the revenue is. I don't know if there are better forums, or active github related to STM8 parts and issues.
STVD 4.3.12 is from 2017
2023-10-25 9:39 AM
Thank for that insight and thanks for making me feel even older than I actually am !