2013-08-06 2:54 AM
I finally found the I/O port hardware register map in the hardware manual but there is no description of how to confingure the registers!
Any one know where ST have hidden this vital information?The old ST7 manual gave a concise description of what each bit did.I don't want to do it in 'C' in the same way as I don't want to drive my car from the back seat using a broomstick to reach the pedals and steering wheel!Every time I find a document, it answers some questions but never all.I'm making progress but it is frustratingly slow... two steps forward one step back. #stm8l-register-config2013-08-06 5:21 AM
Eventually found it! RM0013 ??????? Why????
Why it's not in with the main hardware document I don't know.In the old days you'd get two book, one hardware one software end of.Now there are 2^n pdfs none of which are comprehensive or sensibly named.I'm going to have a lie down in a darkened room.2013-08-07 3:16 AM
you'll find all information for the STM8 in the ''Reference manual'' for the STM8 family (RM0016). Only for the specific details, such as addresses and memory sizes, you have to use the manual for your very special controller.Regards,
2013-08-20 6:12 AM
So I type RM0016 into the serach bar and what do I get?
Part Number Results (0):
No ResultsI despair.Part Number Results (0):
No Results2013-08-20 6:15 AM
Ah Google found it, but ST couldn't.... hmmm need I say more?
2014-01-19 8:04 AM
as the Multiplexing port as usart ,is it in Pa or PC in default?
2014-01-19 11:14 PM
Try RM0031 for STM8L family, the answer of your question is probably in the specific device datasheet.