2019-10-08 07:53 AM
I'm using ST Visual develop and Cosmic to program a STM8S003K3 and I'm thought it would be nice to use the STM8 Standard Library (downloaded from ST.COM).
Within a very short time I got errors telling me that I tried to put more code in the MCU than possible (8K). I hadn't even finished the initialization of all the peripherals I intend to use.
So I took a look at the compiler settings and changed the optimizations from None to Minimize Code Size.
That did help.
For a few minutes.
A look at the map file shows this: (not the entire file)
start 00008080 end 00008103 length 131 segment .const
start 00008106 end 00009bab length 6821 segment .text
start 00004000 end 00004000 length 0 segment .eeprom
start 00000000 end 00000000 length 0 segment .bsct
start 00000000 end 0000000a length 10 segment .ubsct
start 0000000a end 0000000a length 0 segment .bit
start 0000000a end 0000000a length 0 segment .share
start 00000100 end 00000100 length 0 segment .data
start 00000100 end 00000100 length 0 segment .bss
start 00000000 end 00000584 length 1412 segment .info.
start 00008000 end 00008080 length 128 segment .const
start 00008103 end 00008106 length 3 segment .init
C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\FSE_Compilers\CXSTM8\Lib\crtsi0.sm8:
start 00008106 end 00008156 length 80 section .text
start 00000100 end 00000100 length 0 section .bss
start 00000000 end 00000000 length 0 section .ubsct
start 00000000 end 00000034 length 52 section .info.
start 00008156 end 000081da length 132 section .text
start 00000034 end 000000c0 length 140 section .info.
start 000081da end 000081ef length 21 section .text
start 000000c0 end 00000150 length 144 section .info.
start 000081ef end 000087a3 length 1460 section .text
start 00000150 end 000001e1 length 145 section .info.
start 00008080 end 000080b3 length 51 section .const
start 000087a3 end 000088a1 length 254 section .text
start 000001e1 end 00000273 length 146 section .info.
start 000080b3 end 000080db length 40 section .const
start 000088a1 end 00009a60 length 4543 section .text
start 00000273 end 00000305 length 146 section .info.
start 000080db end 00008103 length 40 section .const
The timer1 initialization takes 4k ?
This is worth 4k ?
static void TIM1_Config(void)
TIM1_TimeBaseInit(15999, TIM1_COUNTERMODE_UP, 999, 0);
Do I have to go back to "bare-metal" register setting?
Now I'm only just starting with STM8, so it is more than likely that I'm doing something very wrong, am I?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-11-16 01:33 AM
Hi Xavi92
Your last update fixed the issue. Well done!
I'll take a look at gdb tui when I'll have some time.