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The TSC of the STM32F051K4 works fine for all channels except for channel 1 of group 2 (G2_IO1). It does work but gives values much lower than all other channels. Also the delta (when your finger is on the touchpad is way lower than for other channel...
I'm using ST Visual develop and Cosmic to program a STM8S003K3 and I'm thought it would be nice to use the STM8 Standard Library (downloaded from ST.COM). Within a very short time I got errors telling me that I tried to put more code in the MCU than ...
Using STM32IDE LowLayer and STM32F051C8This code does not set the triggersource for the DACDAC_InitStruct.TriggerSource = LL_DAC_TRIG_EXT_TIM15_TRGO; DAC_InitStruct.OutputBuffer = LL_DAC_OUTPUT_BUFFER_ENABLE; LL_DAC_Init(DAC, LL_DAC_CHANNEL_1, &DAC_I...
In AN4566 the maximum sampling rate of the DAC of a STM32F407 is claimed to be 10.5 Msps but I'm not able to get any faster than 7 Msps before it starts to skip samples.The clock of the STM32F407 is set to 168 MHz.TIM8 triggers the DAC via TRGO.DAC1 ...
Posted on May 28, 2018 at 17:39Inputs for (at least) Timers and U(s)arts are being configured as PushPull outputs. There is no option to change this, so it produces the code below. I'm using a STM32F407VET and all the lastest STM32CubeMX software. (...
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