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Why does USB/Debugger Time out when running Overnight?

I am running code overnight using the STVD debugger and an STM8S discovery board as the interface. After many hours the debugger loses connection to the target. "Stop Program" is grayed out under the "Debug" menu. The "watch" variables are not bei...

Resolved! STM8L001J3 : SWIM and reset pin

Hello,I would like to use the STM8L001J3. I am very new with STM8 family. I used to using STM32. STM8L001J3 seems to be great for my application, i started to draw the schematics but i wonder how to connect the debug probe. For VCC, VSS, and SWIM pin...

How to stm8s001j3 reset

Hi,How to reset the stm8s001j3. Im using STVP. Im leaving the Pin8 SWIM free. But still did not able to reset it.

Nm.1396 by Associate
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Resolved! How do I start developing for ST8 Microcontrollers

Hi,I was thinking of developing a small project using ST8 processors, but I did not find information on what do I start from. The link commercial compilers. Are there f...

Hello, i am using STM8L151C8T6 for learning purpose where i want to access the port of the MCU. I have initialize the port B and Port E of the controller high with the power on. (PB.0 and PE.0) and configure them with pull-up and in fast mode.

when i probed the pin of the respected port and view them on the MSO i found the delay between them.Port B was initialize first and port E later even though initialize the Port E first and Port B later. i don't want this delay between the port E and ...


Resolved! STM8 Standard Library and Cosmic produces huge code?

I'm using ST Visual develop and Cosmic to program a STM8S003K3 and I'm thought it would be nice to use the STM8 Standard Library (downloaded from ST.COM). Within a very short time I got errors telling me that I tried to put more code in the MCU than ...

Willunen by Associate III
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STM8001J3 - Cannot communicate with the device!

I used ST Visual Programmer to check if soldering's been completed well.I didn't open any files but just clicked the programming tab (the red arrow one) but the message that it cannot communicate with the device popped up. It still didn't work when I...

JAn.1610 by Associate II
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