2019-10-08 7:53 AM
I'm using ST Visual develop and Cosmic to program a STM8S003K3 and I'm thought it would be nice to use the STM8 Standard Library (downloaded from ST.COM).
Within a very short time I got errors telling me that I tried to put more code in the MCU than possible (8K). I hadn't even finished the initialization of all the peripherals I intend to use.
So I took a look at the compiler settings and changed the optimizations from None to Minimize Code Size.
That did help.
For a few minutes.
A look at the map file shows this: (not the entire file)
start 00008080 end 00008103 length 131 segment .const
start 00008106 end 00009bab length 6821 segment .text
start 00004000 end 00004000 length 0 segment .eeprom
start 00000000 end 00000000 length 0 segment .bsct
start 00000000 end 0000000a length 10 segment .ubsct
start 0000000a end 0000000a length 0 segment .bit
start 0000000a end 0000000a length 0 segment .share
start 00000100 end 00000100 length 0 segment .data
start 00000100 end 00000100 length 0 segment .bss
start 00000000 end 00000584 length 1412 segment .info.
start 00008000 end 00008080 length 128 segment .const
start 00008103 end 00008106 length 3 segment .init
C:\Program Files (x86)\COSMIC\FSE_Compilers\CXSTM8\Lib\crtsi0.sm8:
start 00008106 end 00008156 length 80 section .text
start 00000100 end 00000100 length 0 section .bss
start 00000000 end 00000000 length 0 section .ubsct
start 00000000 end 00000034 length 52 section .info.
start 00008156 end 000081da length 132 section .text
start 00000034 end 000000c0 length 140 section .info.
start 000081da end 000081ef length 21 section .text
start 000000c0 end 00000150 length 144 section .info.
start 000081ef end 000087a3 length 1460 section .text
start 00000150 end 000001e1 length 145 section .info.
start 00008080 end 000080b3 length 51 section .const
start 000087a3 end 000088a1 length 254 section .text
start 000001e1 end 00000273 length 146 section .info.
start 000080b3 end 000080db length 40 section .const
start 000088a1 end 00009a60 length 4543 section .text
start 00000273 end 00000305 length 146 section .info.
start 000080db end 00008103 length 40 section .const
The timer1 initialization takes 4k ?
This is worth 4k ?
static void TIM1_Config(void)
TIM1_TimeBaseInit(15999, TIM1_COUNTERMODE_UP, 999, 0);
Do I have to go back to "bare-metal" register setting?
Now I'm only just starting with STM8, so it is more than likely that I'm doing something very wrong, am I?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-10-30 7:31 AM
Works like a charm! All repositories pulled and rebuilt.
-No problem with the libraries; I'll likely be building my own anyway, since I have them stored in a different location. ;)
I now also use your configure_stm8 in sdcc-gas (I didn't notice it earlier); this makes my build-script use all your provided scripts and thus it's now quite short. =)
BTW: chmod +x configure_stm8
I wonder if the "--function-sections" and "--data-sections" could be named "-ffunction-sections" and "-fdata-sections" like gcc, so that it would be easier to have common Makefiles / migrate Makefiles ?
(if the -f is already taken, I accept).
Another thing I was thinking about, was to make symlinks in the binaries-folder like ...
stm8-cc -> sdcc
stm8-c++ --> /usr/bin/false
( cd $bin; ln -s sdcc cc; ln -s $(which false) c++ )
... that would make switching compilers very consistent with the gcc-toolchains.
I definitely think both sdcc-gas and stm8-binutils-gdb are valuable.
This was just what sdcc needed in my opinion. :)
2019-10-30 8:37 AM
"-ffunction-sections" and "-fdata-sections" were my intention originally, but SDCC only parses command line arguments starting with two dashes. That could be modified too, but I did not want to spend time on minor features and focused on getting dead code elimination as well as other important features implemented instead. Similarly, "configure_stm8" was just a quick hack that got uploaded to the repository somehow :)
Anyway, if you own a GitHub account, feel free to contribute to both repositories. Since I have already implemented what I needed, it's now up to the SDCC development team to merge these changes so everyone can benefit.
Thanks a lot for your help!
2019-10-30 9:18 AM
Well, I have a Github account, but I need a new OpenID before I can access it.
This OpenID thing has been on my todo-list for a while, but unfortunately there are more pressing matters (actually lots of those).
My hints were small compared to the work you've done. I very much appreciate your modifications and especially that you've made them publicly accessible. :)
You've moved the STM8 up a lot on my priority list; if I worked at ST, I'd send you one of the best evaluation boards or a bunch of MCUs.
-Note: I just saw that someone made a (low speed) USB driver for the STM8.
2019-11-04 12:50 AM
Hi Xavi92,
I tried your toolchain yesterday and I was able to successfully build it. The stm8-dce-example gave the expected results.
However, when I tried to compile my own application, I encoutered the following error:
-:0: error 33: Attempt to assign value to a constant variable (=)
This SDCC bug seems have been solved eleven years ago in SDCC 2.8.1 #5154 by applying patch #1957148.
I wonder why it still exists in your modified version.
Did you start your work on a recent version of SDCC?
If not, do you think it's possible to apply your modification on the latest mainline SDCC version?
Thanks an regards
2019-11-04 4:35 AM
@cs, the fork was checked out from SDCC's SVN repository at revision 11345, which dates from 2019-08-22. That is newer than the latest release, 3.9.0, that was released on 2019-04-15. See https://sourceforge.net/p/sdcc/code/11345/tree/ for further reference. From my own experience, I have compiled a 30+ file project successfully, although I did find an issue:
So please check if there are any "const"-qualified variables that might be unconsciously modified.
2019-11-05 12:21 AM
@Xavi92: you're right, SDCC has some trouble with inlined functions with const arguments. I remove the useless const qualifier and the "error 33" disappeared. I will continue the application build process and I'll let you know the outcome.
2019-11-06 9:13 AM
My aplication building work is complete. I flashed the code generated by SDCC on a real hardware. It seems to be working well.
Nice work, Xavi92!
To reach the same level than STVP+Cosmic toolchain, I need to find how to integrate your toolchain in an IDE and achieve source level debugging. @Xavi92: could you advise me on this subject?
2019-11-07 4:13 AM
Ake explains how to run stm8-gdb from Eclipse on the stm8-binutils-gdb website: https://stm8-binutils-gdb.sourceforge.io/
I have not tried it myself since I am used to GDB TUI instead, but I might give it a try too.
OTOH, I fixed some issues affecting sdcc-gas that were reported by Philipp. Among them, the "--gas" switch was changed to "--asm=gas". So please update your local copy of sdcc-gas when possible.
2019-11-08 9:42 AM
Hi Xavi92.
I'll take a look on your debugging options.
For now, I've updated my copy of sdcc-gas with your last version 3.9.3 and encountered a new unexpected error. In my code:
memcpy(cmd, "XXXX", 4);
generates an error: undefined reference to '___str_0'
I found a workaround:
const char[] s="XXXX";
memcpy(cmd, s, 4);
does not generate the above error.
I didn't encouter this behaviour with the previous version.
2019-11-10 11:18 AM
Hi @cs ,
You are right: that bug has appeared after fixing the following regression issue: https://github.com/XaviDCR92/sdcc-gas/issues/4 . I have pushed a new commit that fixes both issues.