2016-10-19 10:51 PM
i am learning to program in embedded C by myself and i have bought an stm8s003f3P6 microcontroller and a STLINKV2 programmer to program device and i under i can use STVISUAL DEVELOPE code or IAR EMBEDDED WORKBENCH but still i am not able to wrap my head around about which is the best and simple enviroment to use like atmel studio for atmel devices. I have experience with atmel devices and i am able to program them but i am not able to understand st just yet.
Please if somebody could guide me the way to program stm8s003f3p6 device from scartch or could point me to an useful tutorial . that would be very kind of you .thank you #stm8s003f3 #stvd #- #iar-workbenc2016-10-20 5:42 AM
You can also use COSMIC (compiler) with STVD or the open source SDCC (compiler) but it's probably fair to say STVD is a bit old/clunky compared to environments for Atmel or S08 devices. There are some example programs on the SDCC website if I remember correctly but you could also consider the STM8S peripheral library, which tends to use API calls or you can opt for direct register access. There are also examples for each peripheral in the library. There are also some examples that you can find via Google but naturally not anywhere near what you can find for Arduinos! Hope that helps, Ian