2019-09-11 2:37 AM
I have accidentally activated the ROP protection on some demo boards using STLUX385A.
Normally I use ST Visual Programmer to restore the configuration bytes, but the STLUX385A is not currently supported.
I own a ST-Link V2 but I can't find any flashing software supporting both, STLUX385A and ST-Link V2.
Bootloader can't be used when ROP is enabled, so cab be used to flash neither.
Do I need to buy an expensive programmer to recovery the demo boards? (segger for STM8 for example).
Is there any software (windows or linux) that can be used to restore the option bytes using an official programmer?
2019-10-06 2:41 AM
stm8flash supports the STLUX385A: https://github.com/vdudouyt/stm8flash