2023-09-26 04:39 AM
Hello everyone,
I am Prashant . I try to program STM8S001 microcontroller once I flash the code of UART and I initialize TX pin 8(PORT PD5) or 5(PORT PA3) after that i am trying to flash code again in controller but it's giving me SWIM Communication Error.in one Article I read before initialize Pin 8 and any kind of peripheral we have to put 5 secound delay than it will work .I tried that also but I can't able to flash code again in my MCU. Can anyone please help me how to solve this problem .
2023-09-26 09:27 AM
You have to put 5 a seconds delay always including the first time you program flash. If the current program in MCU doesn't include the 5 seconds delay, probably the MCU can't be used anymore. Try with other MCU.