2009-12-04 1:27 PM
Problem with IDE (@near, @interrupt)
2011-05-17 6:05 AM
Hi to all, it is my first post so be patient:)
I would like to use STM8S micro-controllers with RIDE7. When I open one of example projects and make all as it is written in instruction i get error. There is something wrong with @near and @interrupt names in stm8s_it.c and stm8_interrupt_vector.c When I remove it from this files then i get another error: ***ERROR 143 : DUPLICATED ABSOLUTE SEGMENT NAME Is this problem with IDE? I tried cosmic compiler and get the same errors. PS: Sorry for my English.2011-05-17 6:05 AM
2011-05-17 6:05 AM
Yes, i forgot to admit that I used it with ST Visual Developer and select correct project kind from list.
Could this problem might be connected with IDE configuration? What is @near and @interrupt? I can't find it any were. There is no info about it in Raisonance STM8 compiler manual:/2011-05-17 6:05 AM
Hi All,
Luca, How I can get the cosmic IDEA? It supports the STM8S product? Pawel, ST Visual Developer and RIDE7 are two IDE and you need IDE and compiler to compile your project... If you use RIDE7 so you can use raisonance compiler in this case you don't need to add the file stm8_interrupt_vector.c You can refer to the FWLib project template Regards mozra2011-05-17 6:05 AM
Hi Pawel,
You are probably using an old interrupts file, where interrupts 20, 21 and 22 were defined several times. If you use the latest ST Library, you should not have this problem anymore. @near and @interrupt are Cosmic keywords, your compiler complains about this because you included the Cosmic-style interrupts file in your project. You can always come to the raisonance forums (http://www.raisonance.com/) where this issue has already been discussed in the past. I hope this helps, Bruno2011-05-17 6:05 AM
Following FWLib project template:
*** ERROR P002 IN LINE 34 OF stm8s_it.h : Invalid '@' character2011-05-17 6:05 AM
On 16-11-2009 at 17:19, Anonymous wrote: Hi All, Luca, How I can get the cosmic IDEA? It supports the STM8S product? IDEA is on every Cosmic CD and it does support STM8. However, it's just an IDE and the debugger is not included: that's why most developers use STVD instead. If you want more information (or a download to try it) please contact me via email (luca.ubiali@cosmic.fr) Regards, Luca2011-05-17 6:05 AM
I think it is unclear to the point of being misleading that the STM8S-Discovery examples are for Cosmic only and can not be used with Raisonance! :| (not without a significant porting exercise, at least).