2020-10-29 7:54 AM
So I'm trying to scan channels from IN0 to IN6 in my stm8s-discovery board. At the same time, i'm using PE6(IN9) as a digtial input.
When I debug, I've seen the PE6 works as digital input till I configure the ADC in scan mode.
Using the stm8s cube with the mentioned configuration, a conflict warning is set in the adc peripheral:
Is this configuration wrong? What if I scan IN0 to IN2, can I use PB3, PB4, PB5, PB6, PE6 and PE7 as digital inputs?
2020-10-29 8:16 AM
Config is OK , Scan mode scan only selected channels. Red marks inform you cant use pinned configured pin, but you can reconfigure it on the fly when need...