2010-05-14 7:29 PM
Is it possible to set different EXTI trigger condition at same port ?
2011-05-17 6:08 AM
no it's not possible. Configuration refers to the whole port.
2011-05-17 6:08 AM
In STM8S103F3, I used both PC.3 and PC.6 as falling edge trigger source.
But how to distinguish them during EXTI_PORTC_ISR (IRQ5 interrupt service routine) ?2011-05-17 6:08 AM
You must enable both falling and rising edge on that port.
And after you must discriminate every interrupt on that port with an xor manually It's complicated but this is the way. b.r. Spectre2011-05-17 6:08 AM
Hi Spectre,
Thanks for your input.
Is there an easier way ?
However, I got a solution finally.