2021-02-09 10:26 PM
I am using STVD to debug program for stm8s105c6 MCU. Here am able to compile code properly, and using cosmic compiler.
I am getting error for Inline, and also prototype missing, semicolon missing, invalid constant expression, etc. errors are coming.
Do they are occurring due to c language standard version or anything else?
Please guide.
Thanks in advance.
2021-02-09 10:59 PM
The supported standards and the compiler flags for processing a module should be specified in the toolchain manuals.
I had never been working with the Cosmic compiler.
> I am getting error for Inline, and also prototype missing, semicolon missing, invalid constant expression, etc. errors are coming.
The inline error is probably standard related, the others are likely not.
Check you MCU header file for compiler-dependant #if /#ifdef sections.
Perhaps a toolchain define is missing, and you pull the wrong toolchain-dependant definitions.
2021-02-10 01:38 AM