2020-02-10 6:01 AM
2020-02-10 6:07 AM
Had been working with Raisonance several years ago.
The toolchain was o.k., but the licencing kind of annoying.
2020-02-10 6:42 AM
2020-02-10 7:33 AM
I just started out and here's what I've found so far (I may be wrong too!)
The STM8CubeMX is just informational. It doesn't generate any code like the STM32CubeMX. Nothing the datasheet cannot give you already.
For the IDE there's two, one is the IAR Embedded Workbench but costs money. There's a free version that limited by the size. IAR costs over $3k otherwise.
The other is a ST tool call STVD or ST Visual Develop. It doesn't come with a compiler, so you have to download the Cosmic Compiler. That's a free download, although you have to register and download a license file. Then after you install the ST Visual Develop, you will notice that if you try to debug or program through it's built in interface, it will crash. If it does then you have to go to this page and download the updated addon. Once you do this it seems like a plain IDE with some basic functions. Good enough to start with.
2020-02-10 8:16 AM
2020-02-16 12:44 AM
The Code::Blocks IDE supports the free Small Device C Compiler (SDCC), which has an STM8 backend.
While on-target debugging in the SDCC-based toolchain is supported via gdb, I don't know how well integrated that is into the IDE.
2020-02-17 5:44 AM
2020-02-17 6:06 AM
The STM8 architecture seems ST proprietary, and AFAIK, the devices never got widespread support in the enthusiasts/hobbyist community.
Today, it seems mainly directed at commercial legacy users.
For hobbyist projects, I would stay away, and consider other MCUs.
STM32F0/L0 devices (Cortex M0) are not much more complex, and often even share peripherals with STM8 devices.
2020-02-17 6:08 AM
2020-02-17 6:58 AM
On the other hand, with SDCC there is a free compiler that by now is quite a bit better than the non-free alternatives (IAR, Raisonance, Cosmic).