2019-03-19 2:07 AM
I'm using the Cosmic Software in ST Visual Develop 4.3.12 I can't compile it.I try to install again but it showing same error.i tried to set root path correct like this
C:\Program Files\COSMIC\FSE_compilers\CXSTM8.
Can any one help me to solve this error.
My error is:
---------- Project test - STM8 Cosmic - Configuration Debug -------------
Compiling uartcom\uartcom.c...
cxstm8 +modsl0 +debug -pxp +compact -pp -l -icalibration -ichargercom -iinternal_eeprom -iuartcom -imppt -ispi -i..\pcu1\adc -i"c:\program files\cosmic\cxstm8 -icalibration -ichargercom -iinternal_eeprom -iuartcom -imppt -ispi -i..\pcu1\adc _32k\hstm8" -i"c:\program files\stmicroelectronics\st_toolset\include" -itimer4 -itimer3 -itimer2 -itimer1 -ilcd_lampex -iisr -igpio -iexti -idma -idelay -iclock -ichangeover -iadc -i"C:\Program Files\COSMIC\FSE_Compilers\CXSTM8\Hstm8" -clDebug\ -coDebug\ uartcom\uartcom.c
Error creating process for executable cxstm8
The system cannot find the file specified.
Failed to create process.
test.elf - 1 error(s), 0 2:17 PM 3/19/2019warning(s)
2019-03-19 2:43 AM
> Error creating process for executable cxstm8
> The system cannot find the file specified.
There should be a file cxstm8.exe somewhere in your file system. Is it there ?
Is the path environment variable set properly ?
Can you "cd" into said directory, and call it directly on cmd line ?
> C:\Program Files\COSMIC\FSE_compilers\CXSTM8 ...
Perhaps you need to put the path string into double quotes, since 'Program Files' contains a space character.