2010-08-24 8:46 AM
Chip signature read
2011-05-17 6:10 AM
Hi graz,
In the datasheet I have found only that a unique 96-bit ID is available. I don't know what you are looking for is really available. Ciao, MCU Lüfter2011-05-17 6:10 AM
I don't think user is allowed to know where these informations are stored (this seems not specified anywhere in the documentation). The only kind of information you can retrive is 96-bit unique ID starting from location 0x48CD as specified in the datasheet.
brazov22011-05-17 6:10 AM
STM8 has no signature id.
2011-05-17 6:10 AM
2011-05-17 6:10 AM
Hi governatori,
In the device datasheet you will find it. In the following link you can download the device datasheet http://www.st.com/mcu/familiesdocs-113.html In attachement you find an example for STM8S105 devices. Ciao, MCU Lüfter2011-05-17 6:10 AM
the info on address location is on STM8S207/208 datasheet.
brazov2011-05-17 6:10 AM
2011-05-17 6:10 AM
Hi governatori,
You are right I have change the MCU selection and I have got ''detected MCU different from selected one''. I think as you have said there it is somewhere hidden. Regards, MCU Lüfter2011-05-17 6:10 AM