Hi there!I just want to open those workspace that I created before and find that all of them come with this error. I have not changed anything including path of libraries and workspac. Could someone point out how does this error come out and how to f...
Hi,i've installed STVD, download and install Cosmic Compiler for STM8 (free version with unlimited size). I've registered compiler and receive license file. I've forgot copy license file into lincence subfolder in cosmic installation folder. When i'v...
Hi all,I am trying to read temperature data from MAX31855K over SPI, using STM8S103F3 on a breakout board.Development set up is STVD, STVP and Consmic compiler. And using STM8S Standard Peripheral library.Here is my max31855.h:#ifndef MAX31855_H #def...
hello siri use the i2c bus on a stm8s208.there is just connected 2 pcf8574.the crystal i used is 8Mhz, and a i2c clock divider of 4one pcf8574 is connected to dipswitched , adress is 42the second pcf8574 is connected to led's, adress is 40individualy...
I would like to receive a string through the UART1, its format is from 000000000 to 999999999, However when I send the string only the first object is read and it is repeated nine times and the other values are lost.I am using this function to read t...
Hi. I'm using a STM8AF6226TDSSS chip. I can't find the specific model number on the website.STVP set STM8AF6226TxSSS as a different device apart from STM8AF6226. So what's the difference? Is the datasheet applicable?
I am using a stm8s103f which has 8K flash. My project compiles fine using the cosmic compiler. I get a map that looks like this .start 00008080 end 00008080 length 0 segment .const start 000080a1 end 00008924 length 2179 segment .text start 00...
ic STM8L052C6, Programmer ST Visual developer, ST Visual programmer and writing through ST LINK V2