Hello everyone, I am newbie, I want to use spi connection STM8 master with slave 16 bit IC. I have to write 16bit register to set the IC. How could I send 16 bit value to IC to set it with STM8, may you share some codes? best regards.
Hi Everyone I want to interface hef 4094B shift register with stm8s003k3. I understand the general working of the shift register but right now I am confused about how to send data to the pins of the shift register. It would be a great help if someone...
Dear all, I'm using STM8S207 MCU and ST-LINK V2 i need a clarify connection between MCU and ST-LINK as i connect pins as Ground, VCC, SWIM, RESET( NRST) pin but in STM32 ST-LINK Utility softare an error message appear when i press the ( connect to ta...
The divider voltage is increasing when divider is connected to ADC of STM8AL3146UCX. When it is disconnected from the ADC pin we are getting accurate voltage at the divider point.
Hello,I would like to program an STM8 with the STLINK-V3. The jumpers are set as in the manual. When you plug in the USB cable, there are two text folders.1. DETAILS.TXT -> Version: V3J7M2B4S1 Build: May 13 2020 17:07:492. FAIL.TXT -> The interface f...
Hello All,We are designing a battery operated device for that we have selected STM8L051F3 MCU,For development we have ordered NUCLEO-8L152R8 board, and after wards we will port the same code for STM8L051F3 MCU. (Please help if any Better suggestions)...
Hi all,please suggest some solution for this,I am trying to produce 14.7khz PWM signal with below timer1 configuration for 16Mhz clock frequency and i am getting 14.53Khz to 14.83Khz.Why am i getting this frequency variation. Is ST timer can not prod...
Hi everyone,I need your kind support for an issue regarding the micro STM8L050J3.In one of my project for a question of overall dimensions of the PCB (wearable device) I must necessarily use this 8-pin micro, but unfortunately I still need an extra I...