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Forum Posts

Help regarding Getting Started with STM8L MCU's

Hello All,We are designing a battery operated device for that we have selected STM8L051F3 MCU,For development we have ordered NUCLEO-8L152R8 board, and after wards we will port the same code for STM8L051F3 MCU. (Please help if any Better suggestions)...

Use of SWIM input as digital I/O

Hi everyone,I need your kind support for an issue regarding the micro STM8L050J3.In one of my project for a question of overall dimensions of the PCB (wearable device) I must necessarily use this 8-pin micro, but unfortunately I still need an extra I...

Programming error after first time

Hi,I have a problem with my STM8AF6213PDU custom board.The first time, I programmed sucessfully the board using ST Visual Programmer. The procedure was succesfully because I loaded a "blink firmware" and it's always working (ever with power on/off)No...

MSeme.1 by Associate II
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Enabling interrupts

Hi, I'm new to STM8 (usually I develop from STM32) and I'd like to know how can I enable interrupts.In STM32, I usually configure the peripheral interrupt enable bit and also in the NVIC I enable the interrupt to pass it from peripheral to CPU.In STM...

MSeme.1 by Associate II
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My question relates to the M41T81 Real Time Clock. Wasn't sure which topic to post in so picked this one since the RTC interfaces to an 8 bit micro. My problem is that the RTC doesn't always recover from power-down correctly.

The data sheet for this part says that after power loss the HT bit is set, and any reads of the clock will return the time of the last read. Then after the HT bit is cleared one should be able to read the current time since the clock is battery backe...

GDick.1 by Associate
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STM8S003F3 used in HC12 module with Si4463 transceiver

Dear Friends,i am working with HC-12 module that have inbuilt STM8S003F3 Microcontroller with Si4463 Transceiver module. that works fine at data transmission. But i am trying to upload Arduino Sketch through HC12 Wirelessly for a long distance. here ...