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STM8S003F3 used in HC12 module with Si4463 transceiver

Dear Friends,i am working with HC-12 module that have inbuilt STM8S003F3 Microcontroller with Si4463 Transceiver module. that works fine at data transmission. But i am trying to upload Arduino Sketch through HC12 Wirelessly for a long distance. here ...

RTC drifting - a lot!

I have bought a STL8L Discovery kit and have installed the example for showing a clock: RTC using LSE - but it drift appx. 5 seconds per minute.Seems like a simple 555 timer - or a cheap old analog clock - is more precise.

Wassini by Associate II
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Resolved! External clock does not work when programmed from STVP

Hi, I want to use external clock 16 MHz.So I implemented the following code.CLK_ClockSwitchConfig(CLK_SWITCHMODE_AUTO, CLK_SOURCE_HSE, DISABLE, CLK_CURRENTCLOCKSTATE_ENABLE);It was confirmed that 16MHz oscillated when programmed from STVD.However, wh...

gocchan by Associate III
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Reading 0x00 in SPI_DR of SPI Communication

Sir,I am working on STM8S003F3P Controller which is interacting with LoRa SX1276 HPD Module. I have the experience of working on SPI and have enough knowledge to configure it. I am able to write the data to SX1276 (I will tell you how). But, while R...

STEVAL-ISA164v1 not correctly responding

I've got a new STEVAL-ISA164V1 Board.The problem looks like this:When connecting with the ST SMED Configurator there is a warning:The chip on my board is double checked a STNRG388A (well that's what is printed on the chip)I can connect and it looks l...

0693W00000GXHArQAP.png 0693W00000GXHCiQAP.png 0693W00000GXHDbQAP.png
pbaum.1 by Associate II
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