2018-09-19 3:48 AM
Recently I've download and installed Flash Loader Demonstrator v 2.8.0 and It turned out it doesn't support STM32H7 microcontrollers. Project I working on requires programming software using UART2 communication port. Flash Loader is able to connect with board but there is any avaible target on Target List. Target list remains blank, hence I cannot do any step forward. I've set pin BOOT = 1.
Will be any update to Flash Loader Demonstrator ? Is there any alternative tool to program STM32H7 microkontrolers via USART? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Looking forward for your answer.
2018-09-19 4:16 AM
Hi @Ewelina Sz-P ,
You may use the "STM32CubeProgrammer". It's a tool for programming the STM32 MCUs, it provides also an easy-to-use environment for reading, writing and verifying device memory through both the debug (JTAG and SWD) and the bootloader (UART and USB) interfaces.