2019-12-22 5:28 AM
Hi all, I'm new to STM32 and I encountered with an error when I run STM32CubeProgrammer after installing the tool on Ubuntu 18.04 according to STM UM2237 user manual
the error is : Could not find or load main class com.st.app.Main.
I googled and it was said that it might be the CLASSPATH config problem which leads to the class cannot be found. But I searched the install path which is /home/mypath/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/ and cannot find any JAVA class looks like this main class(only 3 JAR file found: uninstaller.jar, OpenJFXWarning.jar and STLinkUpgrade.jar), and I even don't know which path to add to CLASSPATH.
Does anyone have ideas about why this happened and how to fix it, thanks in advance.
2020-07-02 3:55 PM
They could always do like they did with STM32CubeMonitor-RF and provide a bundled jre8 with all of their dependencies. That would be nice...
2020-07-02 4:12 PM
Curiously enough, after installing the Oracle JRE8 I get a popup message with:
CubeProgrammer_API or one of its dependencies is missing. Please try
reinstalling the program or check your java architecture.
However, if I try to reinstall using the Oracle JRE8 it fails, complaining of a non existing file (it looks like the installer is trying to`chmod` a file before copying it).
So there's that, can't upgrade the stm32wb55 with the provided software.
Here's an alternative:
Most Linux distributions with a package manager should have that with the names:
if not you can build it from source.
2020-07-06 11:55 PM
I found a solution for Ubuntu 20.04 here:
Installing deb package "Liberica Full JRE 8u252+9 x86 64 bit for Linux" worked for me getting CuboProgrammer starting on Ubuntu 20.04.
2020-07-07 5:15 AM
I can confirm this also works with Debian Buster and Bullseye. Although I also see some exceptions while running the app, it still runs.
Thanks! =)
2020-08-14 9:59 AM
Works voor lubuntu 18.04
Thank you FOtn.1 !!!
2020-08-18 2:24 AM
Thanks for FOtn.1 !!
Works with bellsoft-jdk8u265+1-linux-amd64-full.deb on Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon .
2020-10-03 10:34 AM
To make it work with the bundled openjfx package, you may edit the bin/STM32CubeProgrammer and add your openjfx path and modules :
java --module-path /usr/share/openjfx/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.web -jar $DIR/STM32CubeProgrammerLauncher
2020-10-12 4:14 AM
I used openjfx-15 solved this problem,download openjfx-15_linux-x64_bin-sdk.zip from https://openjfx.io/, unzip to somewhere(such as :/usr/opt/),then modify the program startup file(${Program installation directory}/bin/STM32CubeProgrammer),may need sudo ,replace the last line "java -jar $DIR/STM32CubeProgrammerLauncher" with "java --module-path /usr/opt/javafx-sdk-15/lib --add-modules=javafx.base --add-modules=javafx.fxml --add-modules=javafx.graphics --add-modules=javafx.media --add-modules=javafx.swing --add-modules=javafx.web --add-modules=javafx.controls -jar $DIR/STM32CubeProgrammerLauncher", "/usr/opt/javafx-sdk-15/lib" is your openjfx's path, and my javasdk is jdk11, I also tried jdk12, also worked well.
2023-04-28 12:49 PM
On Ubuntu 22.04, installed using default paths (version 1.1.1). Then define this in ~/.bashrc
alias stm32-monitor-power='$HOME/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeMonitor-Power/jre/bin/java -jar $HOME/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeMonitor-Power/STM32CubeMonitor-Power.jar'
To start use: