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STM32 Cube Programmer, I can not open files

Associate II

I used to work with Nucleo board STM32G474 and programm them. Recently I can not open the file to programm my devices. I looks a window problem.

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000blINeQAM.pngI installed again all the ST Tools but the problem remain.

I can not open files.

ST Employee

Hi @AMart.33​ ,

Sorry to hear that, please help me to understand.

Do you have a error message or something?

Did you try to update the software version?

Best regards,


Associate II

No I do not have any error, I can not open any files, the window does not open.

Yes I have the latest software version.

Are you on Windows, Linux or MacOS?

You should know that there is no need to install any Java™ SE Run Time Environment since version 2.6.0. The STM32CubeProgrammer runs with a bundled JRE available within the downloaded package, and no longer with the one installed on your machine. The bundled JRE is Liberica 8.0.265.

I suppose that you already tried to restart/turn off your computer.


Associate II

Yes, I am on Windows, I tried to restart/ turn off the Laptop and I also unistall the software and install it again. nothing changed. The software worked till mid of last week and then I hat the issue that I can not open any files.