2022-01-27 08:59 AM
STEVAL-FCU001(STM32F401CC) .hex STM32cubeprogrammer programming issues:
I bought the product "STEVAL-FCU001' (https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/steval-fcu001v1.html) and I am trying to program the .hex code(or bin code?) into "STM32F401CC" via "STM32Cubeprogrammer"_SWD.
The first step I did is to extract the original code(.hex) inside the F401CC and successful.After that, I can program the extracted code(.hex) into STM401CC again and successful.
However, I found that the code I extracted from "STM32F401CC" is not the same as "DroneKit_301018_official.hex" from Github(https://github.com/STMicroelectronics-CentralLabs/ST_Drone_FCU_F401/tree/master/STM32%20FW%20Project/Official%20release%20with%20BLE%20Remocon%20-%20170318/EWARM/ToyDrone_Configuration/Exe)
Because of that, I t downloaded the code "DroneKit_301018_official.hex" and tried to program into my "STM32F401CC", but failed.
The environment of the disconnected condition
The environment of the connected condition
It shows me
11:38:04 : Memory Programming ...
11:38:04 : Opening and parsing file: DroneKit_301018_official.hex
11:38:04 : File : DroneKit_301018_official.hex
11:38:04 : Size : 78403 Bytes
11:38:04 : Address : 0x08000000
11:38:04 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
11:38:04 : Erasing internal memory sectors [0 4]
11:43:04 : Error: failed to erase memory
11:43:04 : Error: failed to erase memory
11:43:04 : Error: Unable to get core ID
11:43:04 : Error: Unable to get core ID
11:43:04 : Warning: Connection to device 0x423 is lost
I found that the size of my "STM32F401CC" is 0x400. However, the size of the official code is 0x13243. Is that the problem making programming failed? If so, how should I solve this issue? It seems like this MCU "STM32F401CC" surely can be programmed by the official code "DroneKit_301018_official.hex".
In my case, I think there is probably something wrong while I was programming the MCU.
Someone can help or give me some advice? I appreciate it!
2023-06-09 06:06 AM
Hey there,
I'm currently having similar issues, just wanna ask if you were able to solve this?