2021-09-09 6:13 PM
I did not set anything though. I did some researches and I try some things :
and also the flash size of stm32 nucleo is of 512kb but on stmcubeprogrammer it shows 8mb.
2021-09-11 10:02 AM
> stm32 nucleo 64
What board specifically, this one?
If this is a clone/counterfeit/knock-off board, could be due to the hardware just being bad. If not, I would return it.
The size of the flash is in ROM memory. If the chip is reporting 8 MB consistently, clearly something is wrong.
You could also try ST-Link Utility.
2021-09-12 5:32 AM
i also tried st link utility.
but didnot got the result.
i dont think it is a clone one .
2021-09-12 7:10 AM
Yep, seems like a genuine board.
I can't think of a reason it would behave this way other than faulty hardware.
2021-09-12 9:11 AM
can u help me,
what should i do now as its only 4 months ago i purchased this and even i was not able to explore this board.
2021-09-12 9:54 AM