2023-03-06 11:45 AM
Hi everyone,
How can I uninstall the STM32CubeProgrammer on Ubuntu? I check inside the folder and has an uninstaller.jar, but nothing happens.
$ sudo java -jar uninstaller.jar
The uninstaller has put a log file: /tmp/izpack18013613561370631600.log
And inside the /tmp/izpack18013613561370631600.log has
2023-03-06T16:41:55.158 Phase 1: JarFile: /home/charlesdias/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/uninstaller/uninstaller.jar
2023-03-06T16:41:55.255 Phase 1: Extracted 1078 files into /tmp/izpack18013613561370631600.d
2023-03-06T16:41:55.266 Phase 1: Spawning phase 2:
2023-03-06T16:41:55.267 Phase 1: Exit
2023-03-06T16:41:56.392 Phase 2: Spawning phase 3:
2023-03-06T16:41:58.468 Phase 2: deleting sandbox
2023-03-06T16:41:58.509 Phase 2: Phase 3 return value = 0
Thanks for any help.
2024-04-18 01:42 AM
any update from ST?
One year later, version 2.16, exactly the same output.
Not mentioning the installation does not work right out of the box, either.
ST, how do we uninstall the SW cleanly?