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Absolut pathes for libraries added as reference

Associate II


we are generating STM32MP1 Code with CubeMX under Windows and add the needed lib file as references.
That creates a link for each library in the CM4/.project file.





The project is shared with several developers and its possible that PROJECT_LOCATION is at a different folder level,
what cause the build to crash if PARENT-3-PROJECT_LOC does not fit.
We don't want to Copy the library files to the project folder so that they don't have to be commited to our git repo.

In CubeIDE it is possible to convert the linked Resource path to absolut path, but this could be overwritten by CubeMX again.


Is there a way to tell CubeMX Code generator to use the absolut path of Firmware Package Repository
which is by default C:\Users\USER\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_MP1_Vxyz

Best regards