2024-06-11 11:54 PM
I just watched this video here: How to build an USBPD Sink application using the X-Cube-TCPP software pack - YouTube which explains how to build up a project with TCPP package for CubeMX.
I use the newest CubeMX 6.11.1 but it looks different than in the video: means that the tab "PDO Sink" is missing.
Any idea?
Best regards,
2024-06-25 10:52 PM
2024-06-25 10:57 PM
Hi Pascal,
thanks! I´m glad it´s running :)
Should I always prefer CubeMX instead of CubeIDE for code generation? Or is it just a bug in CubeIDE together with TCPP package?
Best regards,
2024-06-25 11:29 PM
Hi Achim,
Sorry I can't compare, I have no experience using CubeIDE for code generation.
I'm used to start STM32Cube-MX for code generation which automatically starts STM32Cube-IDE afterwards.
Best regards