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Upgrading project from STM32CubeMX V6.5.0 to V6.6.0 and MCU FW 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 trashes my project.

Associate III

I just went to recompile my project after a couple of days of no changes - I got this dialog...

0693W00000QKlZWQA1.pngI hit migrate and the process completed with no error messages that I could see.

However when I tried to re-compile I got a lot of errors and looking in my src folder, most of my files had gone. Fortunately my project is in git and I committed first so I was able to restore them.

The first error I found was that STM32Cube had removed 'ffconf.h', 'user_io.h' and 'app_fatfs.h 'from the FATFS folders in the project (in addition to lots of my C source files in the src folder).

I haven't had this problem before. Unfortunately, the FATS files weren't included in my git but fortunately I had zipped an earlier version of the project.

What's going on?? Has the implementation of FATFS in STM32 changed? Or is there a bug in the migration?

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Bug in the migration, most likely. They already released a patch, 6.6.1

Associate III

Yes, I see there is a 6.6.1 version now. However, when Migrating the project from 6.6.0 to 6.6.1, even this one erased all my source files and just created the CubeMX ones. So the bug is still there.

The only way to proceed is to do the migration and then copy all the missing files back.