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Updating LSE Drive Capability does appear to work


Hi, I recently had to update the LSE Drive Capability from "low drive" (0x00) to "medium high drive" (0x02) for an STM32U575 project. After making this change in STM32CubeMx and programming the micro with the newly generated code, I noticed the updated LSE drive level was not being set, it was still using the previous value.

Upon further debugging, I noticed the generated code is not disabling the LSE before updating the the drive level via `__HAL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_CONFIG()`. This appears to be a bug with the generated STM32CubeMx code.

My fix has been to disable the LSE before the function `SystemClock_Config()` gets called, which will then perform the LSE drive level configuration, as a well as, enabling the LSE. However I want to check if this is the proper way to set the drive level or if anything else should be done.


Accepted Solutions
Ghofrane GSOURI
ST Employee

Hello @AGula.1 

Thank you for your contributions and for your detailed explanations,

I confirm the issue on my side, it has been reported to STM32CubeMX development team .

Internal ticket number:   147565(This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).

I will keep you posted with updates.


View solution in original post

Ghofrane GSOURI
ST Employee

Hello @AGula.1 

Thank you for your contributions and for your detailed explanations,

I confirm the issue on my side, it has been reported to STM32CubeMX development team .

Internal ticket number:   147565(This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).

I will keep you posted with updates.
