2020-12-02 11:38 AM
I have a NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q and am trying to teach myself how to use FreeRTOS on it. I can't figure out how to change the HAL timebase away from systick to one of the other timers, as is strongly recommended for FreeRTOS use. I start a new STM32 project, specify my board, and say "yes" to initialing peripherals to their default modes. I enable TIM6 for the Cortex-M7 context and enable the TIM6 interrupt. Then I go to the "SYS" panel and see the message "This peripheral has no parameters to be configured." All the TIMx timers in the Timebase Source pulldown are grayed out.
I'm stuck!
Thanks. Mike
2020-12-02 12:01 PM
Works for me for STMCubeMX 6.0.1. Don't enable TIM6 manually. Just start with SYS Timebase Source.
2020-12-02 01:03 PM
I'm on STMCubeMX 6.1.0. I created a new project and went directly to the SYS Timebase Source. Everything except SysTick is still grayed out.
2020-12-02 02:04 PM
Okay, made the update. In Timers, check TIM6 M7 Context first, but don't activate it. Then, in SYS, TIM6 is no longer grayed out and can be selected. Generated code looks okay (stm32h7xx_hal_timebase_tim.c) but haven't tested it. Good luck, KnarfB
2020-12-02 06:17 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Blink running in FreeRTOS! I really appreciate your help.
So, I pride myself on being able to figure out stuff and not asking stupid questions. Could I have figured out the answer by Reading The correct FM? :) Or was that wisdom gained from years of hard labor in the code mines, not documented anywhere?
Many thanks for your help. I *really* appreciate it.
2020-12-02 11:17 PM
Congrats. Even if it might be written down somewhere, sometimes, unfortunately, trial and error works faster (for me).