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timer interrupt handler not generated and not called

Associate III

Hi. I have recently updated to latest version 1.12.0 and there seems to be some problem with code generator.

There is no handler for RTOS systick or for HAL timer. in stm32g0xx_it.c

This was broken for F072 family in the past, but now it is also broken for G071 which is a problem for me.

0693W00000bhIxAQAU.pngyou can see here that system tick (rtos timer) does not have handler enabled and can not be checked from gui. The os tick is not called either.

There is also a HAL timer feature but if I enable it it shows checked state while neither handler appears in stm32g0xx_it.c.It results in default intr handler crush

Both seem like a bug in generator.

If i select systick as HAL timer it does generate the handler code, but IDE warns me that it should not be shared with rtos and it still not working correctly

In neither of these cases the empty rtos project works.

I can also attach the empty project if for some reason you cannot replicate it.

Is this a known bug? will it be fixed soon? should I revert to version 11.x?


I installed back version 11.2 opened the project generated in 12.0 regenerated from the ioc file and it works. So there is clearly something broken in MX part of the IDE in version12.0


the RTOS tick is connected via #define xPortSysTickHandler SysTick_Handler so it may work without definition in stm32g0xx_it.c which is why it works in version 11.2 but not 12.0