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STM32CubeMX - Pinout Config - Select Alternative pins


I've been developing with STM32F4 products for years. Never used HAL or Cube products as I've hand configured everything.

Beginning a new MultiCore project using STM32H745. I find using CubeMX that when I select a peripheral (like SDMMC1 or SAI4 for example) - the tool selects what pins it wants to assign - and will NOT let me assign a different alternative pin.

How can I force the tool to use MY pin selection?

If I have used one of the peripheral default pins for something else - It make the whole peripheral RED and will not take my inputs.

So far I find the tool very unusable so I'm hoping someone can tell me how I can tell the tool what I want - not what it wants.

Please Note - Use SAI4 for example - I selected the alternative pin, I assigned its function from the dropdown list - but when I try to enable the peripheral - its ALL RED - so I have pins assigned but no peripheral enabled or recognized for code generation.



Hello @Community member​ ,

I tested it on my part on UBUNTO 20.x and it's working correctly. I suggest to uninstall CubeMX and CubeIDE and delete their installation folders, then install them again.

Please try to reproduce this, and keep me informed with the updates.

