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STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0 H750VBT6 ADC fault

Associate II

0693W00000LzHuqQAF.jpgWas old project, works well, need make minor changes with not related to ADC functions, not look press "migrate" to latest version. was confused all ADC operations fault. when check what wrong, found ADC lost clocking.

Take new computer, install clean last version of Cube IDE 1.9.0, make new H750VBT6 project.

look on the clock - ADC clocking tab gray color.

enable ADC - look again, again gray color

Also dissapear "clock prescaler" setting in the ADC settings

meanwhile same test with USART for example on the clocking tab.

if USART disabled - gray color

if USART enabled - instanly request adjust clocking

Even if i force copy old sourse code, with latest libraries, ADC dead....


Accepted Solutions

Hi @AGord.2​ ,

That is a known limitation already confirmed in this question. Sorry for the inconvenience it created for you.

We expect it to be fixed in coming STM32CubeMX release.


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View solution in original post

Associate II

Manual remove fw package 1.10 not helps

manual edit ioc file

ProjectManager.FirmwarePackage=STM32Cube FW_H7 V1.9.0

anyway pushing to 1.10 and ADC doesnt work (havent any clocking functions to ADC, but all what need was present inside Ioc)

only after this changes in the ioc file



stay work as expected.

anyway, it not allow make new H7 project with fw package 1.9, where 1.10 are dead.

You can upload your ioc file here and I'll check it

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Associate II

there version after migrate from 1.9 to 1.10

first what i found, this line in the code stuck


I've checked your file, there is some problem with 1.9.0. My STM32H750 project shows similar behavior with ADC clock grayed out when migrated from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0.

1) uninstall CubeIDE v1.9.0

2) install CubeIDE 1.8.0 (st-stm32cubeide_1.8.0_11526_20211126_0815_x86_64.exe)

3) don't forget to check marking of your STM32H750 mcu (REV Y or REV V), set revision in stm32cubeide: SystemCore → RCC → Product Revision → rev.Y / rev.V

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Associate II

Thanks for information about core, i not know about it.

Hope ADC clocking bug will be fixed in the next package of FW for H7. All time button "migrate" like bomb...

Hi @AGord.2​ ,

That is a known limitation already confirmed in this question. Sorry for the inconvenience it created for you.

We expect it to be fixed in coming STM32CubeMX release.


To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.