2021-05-25 12:59 AM
I want to use uart4_tx and sdio at the same time.
But, in cubemx(6.2.1),
SDIO->Mode: SD 1 bit
UART4->Mode: only Disable.
2021-05-25 6:54 AM
If pins are shared between peripherals, and there are no alternatives, you cannot use them at the same time. Larger chips typically have more options.
2021-05-25 6:57 AM
Fails to mention part, package, or any actionable details.
2021-05-25 7:03 AM
And yet still includes more info than some other people.
It would be nice if questions were more curated. TI MSP430 forums get better questions, IMO.
2021-05-25 8:15 AM
Hello @MShao.1,
First le me welcome you to the STM32 Community :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Could you please share your .ioc file to check from our side or at least precise which MCU are you using ?
It will be helpful to find faster the root cause of the problem if it exists.
Thanks in advance,
2021-05-25 5:39 PM
2021-05-25 5:57 PM
2021-05-25 6:52 PM
The STM32F1 family assigns pins on a per-peripheral basis rather than per-pin. Less ancient families do this on a per pin basis. So even though you aren't using SDIO_D2, it shares its functionality with UART4 and you can only have one enabled per the datasheet.
2021-05-25 10:56 PM
Now the problem is, even if I use the "HAL_SD_DeInit" function to turn off the SDIO clock, and then execute the uart4 initialization function, but uart4_ TX is still unable to send data.
ret = HAL_SD_DeInit(&hsd);
// RCC->AHBENR &= ~(1<<10);
// SDIO->DCTRL &= ~(3<<10);
UART4->DR = 0x5A;
2021-05-26 6:39 AM
Is the pin initialized in the correct AF mode? Show the relevant registers.