2021-05-14 1:56 AM
1. timer2 configured as one shot mode
2. PA0 acts as IC1,and TI1FP1;PA1 acts an OC2.
3.connect external trigger(3.3V LVTTL) to the TI1FP1
4. cubemx followed
1.Before enable CCER->CC1E, the amplitude high is 3.3V. While execute the CCER->CC1E, the amplitude high drops to the 2V. Please confirm whether it is reasonable or not.
2.Under the circumstance above, the code enters trigger interrupt at both rising and falling edge,while I configure the CCER->CC1NP and CC1P = 00,and it should enter interrupt only at rising edge.
2021-05-14 1:57 AM
2021-05-14 1:59 AM