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Nor-Flash on Octospi1

Associate III

I am using the eval board STM32L4R9I-EVAL.

The generated code failde in OCTOSPI1_Init/ HAL_OSPI_AutoPolling:

it runs by

 if ((hospi->State == HAL_OSPI_STATE_CMD_CFG) && (cfg->AutomaticStop == HAL_OSPI_AUTOMATIC_STOP_ENABLE))








into HAL_Error.

does any one know why?

CubeMX: V5.1.0

Package for STM32L4: V1.13.0

Octospi2 on Hyperram works fine.

Associate III

I tried the exsample in OSPI_NOR_MemoryMapped in STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM32L4R9I-EVAL\Examples\OSPI\ long time ago, they work fine.

the example OSPI_NOR_MemoryMapped in STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.14.0\Projects\STM32L4R9I-EVAL\Examples\OSPI\ works fine without any errors also.

The example has another structure and call first a few extra commands (enable write cmd and autopolling configuration command) before calling the function HAL_OSPI_AutoPolling. Now I hope with new release of L4-Packages cubemx could generate code which is usable. otherwise i have to modify it every time when i use cubemx to regenrate code.

I have the same problem with generated code für hyperram on octospi port 2. The generated code didn't work because it called the function HAL_OSPI_MemoryMapped to early, it should call it after the hyperbus is configured and the chip is set into memory-mapped mode, so i have to modify this section every time i regenerate code using cubemx.

How to report this to ST so it get corrected in the next release?
