2021-07-28 10:57 AM
2021-08-02 6:36 AM
Hello @Ggast
Are you still facing this problem? If yes, are you using the version present on st.com ? And could you please provide me steps to reproduce it?
Thanks, Khouloud
2021-08-03 12:11 AM
Used this from STM website: en.stm32cubemx-win_v6-3-0_v6.3.0
There is not much to say about. Installation runs for a while then stops with that error (cannot open jvm.cfg (it is nowhere)).
Tried a couple of times, also after having removed everything with an uninstaller from the failed installations (including registry setting).
Interestingly, in the latest CubeIde the CubeMx works fine.
2021-08-04 3:16 PM
Hi @Khouloud ZEMMELI ,
I have same problem.
Error message is from install process 4, and in uninstall.
The folder is existed, just jvm.cfg is missing.
How to fix it?
2021-08-07 3:27 PM
Hi @Ggast ,
After some try-and-error, it work for me.
Because some jre files is not extracted from installer.
Try to extract "SetupSTM32CubeMX-6.3.0-Win.exe" manually(ex. WinRAR).
You will get "jre" folder, "Readme.html" and "SetupSTM32CubeMX-6.3.0.exe".
Run "SetupSTM32CubeMX-6.3.0.exe" with administrators rights.
2022-03-17 9:10 AM
Hi Ironmpouse, that ultimately works though not a convenient way.
Why don't they fix that problem?