2022-05-14 10:36 AM
When I develop with a nucleo/disco board, I have to keep a pinout of the board handy and map back and forth between CubeMX package pin names and board pin names. Since I've already selected the board in the CubeMX path, shouldn't there be a "Pinout" option to show board pin names? Or did I miss an option somewhere?
2022-05-16 6:50 AM
If I understand your question correctly, you can right-click on a pin in CubeMX and set a "User Label" for the pin that matches what you're calling it on the board.
2022-05-16 11:37 AM
No, that isn't what I was asking. It would be a bad idea to rename pins to the board you are using, because if you switch boards your mappings no longer makes sense.
My question was, since in CubeMX we've already selected the board (via the board selector) that it should know the new names For example, on a L412KB, pins PB[0:7] map to D3, D9, -, D13, D12, D11, D5, D4. When looking at the board and writing code, I need to manually flip to a user guide to see the mapping, and to learn that PB2 isn't even mapped to a board pin. Why not just include both board and package pin names in CubeMX rather than making me open another document?
2022-05-16 11:46 AM
Don't think that this is possible. I would really like to see the Arduino-like pin names abandonend and instead the real (chip) names printed on the boards. Before that happens, I use mbed who have nice drawings for many boards, including the two pin names.
2022-05-16 12:10 PM
@KnarfB Agreed on that! I think the STM names should be the default, and require a lookup to find the arduino nano names.
I have the MBED pictures handy as well, since they show alt functions but they don't exist for all boards (well, there are only three nucleo variants, i suppose at some point I'll have them all memorized...). And the User Manual UM1959 for the Nucleo-32 MB1180 boards doesn't list all of the alt functions.
Would be a great idea to add it to future CubeMX versions.