2019-07-10 6:47 AM
I have generated a project for the STM32f769 Discovery board using STM32CubeMX, to read in audio from the Line In jack, convolve the audio with a long FIR filter then output the audio to the Line Out jack. I am using the EWARM IDE. stm32f7xx_hal_def.h defines HAL_Status_TypeDef and HAL_LockTypedef, and they are #included in the .h files in which the HAL_ items are defined.
2020-08-03 8:13 AM
Hi MLawr,
A first look at the problem seems to be that IAR is not able to read these files even though they are existing.
I can suggest you add them to your workspace one by one, or if they already exists try delete them and adding them again from the path they exists.
Another solution is to verify if you include the path for theses files from the IAR options: go to c/c++ compiler ==> preprocessor, in the "additional include directories" put the path for these files. Also in "Defined symbols" box make sure you are using the HAL driver (USE_HAL_DRIVER)
I did attach an example for the F4 to show you. Hope this help to solve the problem.
2020-08-03 2:28 PM
Check that the modules are called out in your stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h file in your project directory