2019-12-19 11:17 AM
I see that the PLL's can be set to much higher clock than 72MHz rating. What will be the impact of overclocking it to say 100MHz or 144MHz ? What kind of impact are we looking at? I need more clock cycles per second for processing but i also need a 5+ MSPS ADC for my application. So I am exploring overclocking the part. In any case, please do explain overclocking impact and possibilities.
2019-12-19 12:58 PM
My car has rated load 500kg. I need to load more to it. What kind of impact are we looking at? I need to transport 1000kg of rebar to the other end of the country.
2019-12-19 2:09 PM
At some point you'll find the critical path in the IC design, and you'll see some voltage/temperature envelope changes.
Typically the flash will limit your range, and while you can increase the wait-states, the F3 has no caching, so net gains in speed would need to be evaluated with the additional drag on the memory interface. Code could be moved to RAM/CCM